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Savings bank

For Sparkasse, we developed a creative PacMan gamification in the Sparkasse look to get users excited about their financial app and increase their engagement.

  • Concept
  • Project management
  • UI/UX Design
  • Software Development


The main aim of the campaign was to raise awareness of the Sparkasse finance app and increase user numbers. Gamification was used to arouse customer interest and encourage interaction with the app.


The Sparkasse decided to create a PacMan gamification in the Sparkasse look. This nostalgic game mechanic was intended to draw users' attention to the financial app in a playful way and motivate them to use the app.


The PacMan gamification was designed entirely in the Sparkasse look to strengthen the brand identity. Users could collect coins and avoid obstacles in a virtual maze while learning about the functions of the financial app. The gamification programming involved integrating the app features into the game and creating a user-friendly interface that was both fun and informative.

After completing the game, users were taken directly to the financial app to download and use it. The gamification was advertised on various channels, including social media and the Sparkasse website, in order to reach a broad target group.

This innovative campaign enabled the savings bank to promote its financial app in an engaging and interactive way, significantly increasing user engagement.


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