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At a special event, Robinson tested visitors' knowledge of the Robinson Club with a digital quiz on a large touch display and generated a lot of enthusiasm.

  • Concept
  • Project management
  • UI/UX Design
  • Software Development


The main aim of the campaign was to increase the interaction and engagement of event visitors. The playful quiz was designed to motivate visitors to find out more about the Robinson Club and test their knowledge in an entertaining way.


We developed a digital quiz for Robinson that was presented on a large touch display. This interactive quiz allowed visitors to test their knowledge of the Robinson Club while learning more about the various offers and services.


A large touch display was installed at the event, on which the digital quiz was presented. Visitors could start the quiz by touching the screen and answer questions about the Robinson Club. The questions were designed to be both informative and entertaining in order to capture and hold the interest of the participants.

A GDPR-compliant data query form was integrated in order to collect participants' personal data securely and in compliance with the law. The data collected was used exclusively for the evaluation of the quiz and for further contact. This data protection-compliant approach ensured that participants felt secure and were happy to take part in the quiz.

This interactive, privacy-compliant campaign enabled Robinson to significantly increase engagement and interaction at the event. The combination of fun entertainment and informative content ensured that visitors responded positively to the brand and enjoyed taking part in the quiz.


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