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At the Ricola flagship store in Switzerland, creative catch and win gamification has taken the customer experience to a new level and generated a lot of enthusiasm.

  • Concept
  • Project management
  • UI/UX Design
  • Software Development


The main aim of the campaign was to increase customer interaction in the Ricola flagship store and improve the shopping experience. The playful elements were intended to motivate visitors to linger longer in the store and engage more intensively with the brand.


Ricola developed a catch and win gamification in which falling sweets could be collected on a large screen. This interactive game mechanic was intended to increase the fun factor and at the same time offer direct discounts to participants.


A large screen was installed in the Ricola flagship store on which the sweets fell. Visitors could "catch" the sweets by touching the screen and collect points in the process. After the game, participants received direct discounts that they could redeem immediately in the store.

The gamification was designed to be easily accessible and intuitive to use in order to appeal to a broad audience. A GDPR-compliant data query form was integrated to collect participants' personal data securely and in compliance with the law. The data collected was used exclusively for the prize draw and the direct discounts.

This interactive, privacy-compliant campaign enabled Ricola to significantly improve the in-store customer experience while increasing sales through direct discounts. The combination of fun entertainment and instant rewards ensured that visitors responded positively to the brand and enjoyed spending time in the store.


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