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State Parliament Schleswig-Holstein

In cooperation with us, the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament has realized a pioneering project that actively involves visitors in political issues and arouses their interest in the work of parliament.

  • Concept
  • Project management
  • UI/UX Design
  • Software Development


The main aim of this project was to promote the interest of visitors to the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament in political issues and to deepen their understanding of how parliament works. Through an interactive experience, visitors were to be motivated to actively engage with the political processes of their federal state.


To achieve this goal, the idea of an interactive quiz was developed. This quiz allows visitors to playfully test their knowledge of the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament and political issues. The use of modern technology in the form of a digital stele made the quiz an attractive and engaging experience.


The creation of the interactive quiz included the selection and formulation of questions as well as the integration of gamification elements to encourage visitor engagement. The technological implementation was carried out by developing a user-friendly interface that was presented on a digital stele in the entrance area of the state parliament. This placement ensured high visibility and invited visitors to participate. Through continuous analysis of user data, improvements were made to constantly optimize the interactive experience and maximize the success of the project.


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